Top Hat Tender

Top Hat Tender
Recipe courtesy of:

8 oz. filet mignon: encrusted with white cracked pepper. Coat filet with pepper and grill to desired temperature.

Red onion marmalade: 2 red onions-sliced, ½ cup of brandy, 1 cup balsamic vinegar, ½ cup brown sugar, SIMMER onions, brandy, vinegar and brown sugar FOR 5-6 HRS. Pour marmalade on filet.

Tomato gratin: 2 cups fresh bread crumbs, 1 cup Parmesan cheese, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp of fresh garlic. Slice tomato in half. Mix bread crumbs, cheese, salt and garlic. Put on top of two halves and bake in the oven at 350° for 5 minutes.