This Week’s Episode: Senza, Nicksons Eatery, Honey Butter Fried Chicken

By Catherine De Orio
The Original Fried Chicken Sandwich, Honey Butter Fried Chicken


Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is ready to see some new episodes of Check, Please! starting tonight! We have a great line-up! I don’t think I have to do more than just name one of the restaurants –Honey Butter Fried Chicken – to pique your interest. Doesn’t that name alone make you want to go there and check it out…especially with the arctic temps we’ve been having! On these cold days, I’ve been craving all of my favorite comfort foods…and perfectly crisp, fried chicken with a dollop of honey butter on it seems like the perfect meal at this time of year!

Poached Loup de Mer, Senza

But for those of you hoping to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, Senza provides a gluten-free dining experience that is executed with such precision and care in the food preparation (and presentation – wait until you see these dishes!) that you won’t even feel like you are going sans gluten. In fact, they even have a gluten-free bread course from the owner’s company Wheat’s End.

Sticky Buns, Nicksons Eatery

Or if you feel like venturing out into the chilly evening, a visit to the cozy eatery Nicksons Eatery may be the perfect way to idle away the hours chatting with friends over a meal and plenty of cocktails before braving the outdoors to get home.

Be sure to tune in tonight to see this as always diverse roundup of recommendations from our guests! Stay warm and I’ll see you then!
