Pad Thai Noodle with Tofu

1 pack dried rice stick noodles or "sen lek"
½ cup baked tofu cut into small strips
½ cup ground peanut
1 cup fresh bean sprouts
½ cup green onion cut into 1 inch pieces
6 eggs
½ cup fish sauce or 1 tea spoon of salt
¼ cup white vinegar
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons smashed garlic
2 tablespoons smashed onion
½ cup of water

Soak the rice stick noodles in tepid water for roughly 15 minutes. Then cut the noodles into 4-inch pieces. Strain the noodles then set them aside. Using a large skillet (preferably a wok) heat the vegetable oil and add in the garlic, smashed onion tofu and stir for 2 minutes. Then one at a time add in the peanuts, fish sauce, sugar, and chicken, stirring the mixture the entire time. Add the eggs and continue to stir the mixture. Then add in ½ cup of water. Add the noodles and be sure to stir! (The noodles tend to burn if not continuously stirred) . Continue to add fish sauce or salt to taste. Add bean sprouts and onions just before turning off the burner.