Quesadilla Rostisada

Quesadilla Rostisada
Recipe courtesy of:

6 Poblano Chiles, Roasted, Peeled & seeds removed
6 Ears Sweet Corn, shucked then roasted
1 Shallot, minced
1 medium White Onion, chopped
4 cloves Garlic, minced
1 can (7oz.) Cuitlacoche
1 cup Manchego cheese, grated finely
3 Tbs. Butter
1 Tbs. Corn Oil
8 rosemary sprigs
1 Tbs. Epazote, chiffonade
5 Flour tortillas, 8"

This is a modified classic using two distinct ingredients that define true Mexican food. Cuitlacoche (or "smut corn") is a delicacy in Mexico, and is almost impossible to find fresh in the U.S. . This fungus that grows on the cob of sweet corn in place of the kernels is a natural event that can't be factory produced. Its affect is a sweet and delicate flavor, definitely not the pungent nutty flavor of its distant cousin, the common mushroom. Epazote is a leafy herb used in a wide variety of dishes in Mexico. It imparts an earthy, grass-like flavor to food, and is used quite commonly in bean dishes as it is believed to posses natural qualities that cure intestinal gas.

On the grill, place 4 rosemary sprigs directly on the coals. Roast one side of the poblanos and corn. Add the other 4 rosemary sprigs to coals, flip corn and poblanos. The rosemary sprigs will burn and smoke — this is a good thing! Once the poblanos and corn are charred on all sides, place them in a large bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set aside for 20 minutes. Peel and seed poblanos and cut corn away from cob. Coarsely chop poblanos into ½ inch cubes.

In a large sauté pan, heat the oil over medium high heat, and then add 1Tbs. butter. When the butter has browned, add the onions, garlic and shallots and sauté until onions are translucent. Add chopped poblanos, epazote and corn and continue to sauté until the corn sweats (about 2 minutes). Remove pan from the heat and add the cuitlacoche. Stir until well mixed. Let cool at room temperature, and then stir in the Manchego cheese. Salt and pepper to taste.

Wipe your sauté pan clean with a damp cloth, and reheat it to medium heat. Melt the remaining 2 Tbs. butter in the microwave in a small bowl. Place a 1 - 2 inch thick amount of the mixture in a half circle onto one side of the tortilla. Close empty side of tortilla over the side with the mixture. Using a pastry brush, brush a thin coating of melted butter on the outside of both sides of the tortilla. Toast the tortilla in sauté pan on both sides until golden brown and crispy. Serve immediately.

Hints: When peeling your poblanos, do not rinse them under cold water. This removes the flavor of the rosemary smoke. If you cannot find manchego cheese, queso enchilado or queso añejo will suffice. These cheeses should be easy to find at any Mexican market (look for them when you go to get your epazote and cuitlacoche).

¡Buen Provecho!